Inspection of cranes, fork lifts and mobile plant
Ashdale Engineering has an enviable wealth of knowledge and experience in examining all types of industrial lifting machines.
Our in-service examinations are undertaken in a multitude of workplace types and range from small workshop hoists to large dockside cranes.
We ensure that all plant requiring inspection under your duty of care is covered on-time and we clearly identify and explain any remedial work which may be required to ensure the machinery can continue to run safely and effectively.
We can review your entire plant schedule, no matter how large the workplace may be and quickly ensure that a timetable is set to bring inspections of all types of machinery in-date with the correct inspection frequencies, and at minimal inconvenience to your plant operators.
Points to consider
All lifting machines are inspected under the Lifting Operations & Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER) or the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER)
Lifting machines should be inspected every twelve months. However, if the device has man-riding capability, the period must be reduced to a maximum of six months. We sometimes recommend reducing this period further if the machine is used in arduous conditions.
Excavators and machinery designed to carry fixed loads can be exempt from LOLER, however must be maintained in accordance with Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER). It is often useful to inspect them under a LOLER criteria.
For mobile plant used with man riding baskets to carry personnel, HSE note PM28 should be referred to.